IMTFI Working Papers Series

The Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion (IMTFI) welcomes papers from any academic discipline related to its thematic foci for the IMTFI Working Paper Series. These foci include but are not confined to everyday uses and meanings of money, mainstream and alternative currencies, mobile money for poverty reduction, and new technological infrastructures to facilitate value storage, transfer, payment, and exchange. The Working Paper Series is multi and inter-disciplinary in character.

We encourage submissions of unpublished papers reflecting relevant and recent work by academic and non-academic researchers whose research is focused on issues of money, technology, and financial inclusion in the developing world. The aim of the series is to provide a central site for dissemination of ongoing research to a global community of scholars and practitioners, with the aim of sharing ideas, encouraging constructive feedback, and fostering debate.

Review and Publication

Papers will be reviewed by IMTFI and may be returned to authors for revision. After suitable revision, papers will be finally accepted or rejected. All papers that pass the editing process will be published on the IMTFI Working Paper Series website. Authors will be free to publish subsequent versions of a paper elsewhere. The Institute may approach authors with proposals to include working papers in edited volumes or other publications which it may initiate. It may also hold discussions, workshops, or conferences on themes related to submitted working papers. The Institute will make efforts to bring widespread attention to the Working Paper Series and encourage authors to identify appropriate venues for formal publication. View current Working papers here.

Submission Requirements

Papers should be sent in MSWord format to facilitate editing and reformatting.

Authors should include ALL of the following information with submission:

  • A list of subject keywords
  • Author’s contact information, including phone number and e-mail address. If there is more than one author, a corresponding author should be specified
  • Primary institutional affiliations
  • Title page and complete bibliography
  • Abstract of no more than 250 words


The IMTFI Working Paper Series is not taking submissions at this time.