Project Year



East Africa



Project Description

This study seeks to uncover the challenges facing the uptake of the yuCover micro insurance scheme in Kenya. Various forms of micro insurance have been available for specific low income individuals in Africa for decades. Yu MNO (Mobile Network Operator) introduced the yuCover loyalty based insurance scheme that rewards yu MNO subscribers with a monthly life and disability coverage based on their expenditures on the network. However, insurance is still considered to be for the elite as the system has failed to properly attract a majority of low income individuals. The study will seek to identify the specific internal mechanisms that have aided in the slow uptake of the yu MNO system. Data will be collected in order to answer the following question: What effects do distribution skills, market acceptance, and regulation have on the uptake of yuCover micro insurance? The research design that will be adopted for this study is a descriptive survey. A semi-structured questionnaire will be used to collect quantitative data, while qualitative data will be collected through interviews, focus groups, discussions, and audio-visual recordings.


Nelson Karani, Cyrus Isaboke

About the Researcher(s)

KaraniKarani Nyachiro Nelson received his Master's degree from the Periyar University in Salem, India, in 2004. Since 2005, he has taught computer science in various universities in Kenya as a part-time lecturer including the African Virtual university (Egerton), Kenya Methodist University, Mount Kenya University, Kisii University, and Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST).



IsabokeCyrus Isaboke is an Internal Auditor whose work currently focuses on mobile money research. He is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Strategic Management at Kenyatta University.




Synopsis of Research Results

Read their blogpost, "Challenges facing the uptake of m-insurance loyalty-based life insurance schemes: A case study of the yuCover microinsurance scheme in Kenya"

Link to their full report: Challenges facing the uptake of M-insurance loyalty-based life insurance schemes