Project Year
South Asia
Project Description
This project will investigate the mobile money model of a prominent mobile banking financial services provider in India. In particular, the study will investigate a shift of organizational focus from the savings to the remittance product. Eko, which, contrary to African contexts, until now had focused on savings products in India, recently changed its focus towards remittance-based services. This shift was seen as a remedy to the lack of uptake of their previous savings focus. The proposed study hopes to examine the Eko model in action, describe the transition of the model, provide a stakeholder analysis, and finally, provide a prognosis for the development of mobile money services (with a special emphasis on savings) in the Indian context. To this effect, the research design incorporates two related, but distinct set of research questions, which are centered around provider-end and user-end perspectives respectively. Currently, there is scant scholarly literature on the Eko model, which, when considered in light of their unique and prominent position within the Indian mobile banking industry, as well as of their Indian partnership with the largest Indian Bank (SBI), constitutes a research gap of import. This work will address this gap.
Ishita Ghosh, Kartikeya Bajpai
About the Researcher(s)
Ishita Ghosh is currently a doctoral student in the School of Information at UC Berkeley. She
received her M.S. degree in Information Sciences & Technology from the Pennsylvania
State University. Previously, she has worked with Sampark, an NGO that nurtures self-help
groups towards financial credibility and solvency in India, and AppLab at the Grameen
Foundation that uses technology to extended formal financial services to the unserved
in Uganda. Her research interests include technology and development, specifically
towards financial inclusion strategies.

Synopsis of Research Results
Link to their blog post: Remittances vs. Savings on the Mobile Money Platform, Part one and two.
See their note in the ICTD conference 2013 close-out documentation.
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