Aishwarya Ratan, Microsoft Research India

"Why the BoP Should care about Profiting from the ToP"


Bill Maurer, UC Irvine

"Whose Non-Interoperability? Experimentation and Reimporation in the Payments Space"


Hsain Ilahiane, University of Kentucky and John Sherry, Intel Corporation


Savita Bailur, London School of Economics

"Intermediaries and the BoP"


Jo Tacchi, Queensland University of Technology

"E-shopping through Drive-by WiFi: Innovative Connections and the Need for Co-Creation and Co-Design"


Renee Kuriyan and Dawn Nafus, Intel Corporation

"Depoliticizing the Consumer"


Vijay Gurbaxani, Center for Research on IT & Organizations (CRITO)

"Panel Presentation: Perspectives on Technology and Financial Inclusion"


Paul Thomas, Intel Corporation

"Bottom of the Pyramid: A Corporate Economist's Perspective"