IMTFI’s First Annual Conference for Funded Researchers
November 4-5, 2009
Conference Program
Day 1: November 4th
9:30am-10:00am        coffee and registration
10:00am-10:30am    welcome and introductions, Director Bill Maurer          
10:30am-12:00pm    Session 1: Traditional money management
                                chair and discussant: Paul Dourish, UC Irvine
                                  The Urban Poor and their Money
                                  Mani Nandhi, Centre for Microfinance - Chennai, India
                                  Network Linkages and Money Management: An Anthropological Purview   
                                             of the Beesi Network amongst the Urban Poor Muslims in Old City Area
                                  of Lucknow, India
                                  Syed Aiman Raza, Shia Degree College - Lucknow, India
                                  Analysis of Financial practices among Families in Two Cities Indigenous to
                                  the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico
                                  Magdalena Villarreal, CIESAS- Tlalpan, Mexico
                                  Maria Eugenia Santana, Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas - Chiapas, Mexico 
12:00pm-1:00pm        break for lunch; lunch options offered nearby and at the UCI Student Center
1:00pm-2:30pm          Session 2: Existing indigenous money practices
                                 chair and discussant: Mohammed Mohammed, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
                                  Borrowing from the Gods: Oracular Deities as Traditional Sources of Credit
                                  among the Igbo of Nigeria
                                  Kenneth Omeje, United States International University - Nairobi, Kenya
                                  Forms of Money: An Inquiry into the Processes of Use and Adaptation
                                  among the Konda Reddis of South India
                                  Thanuja Mummidi, French Institute of Pondicherry - Pondicherry, India
                                  Yesterday’s Nomads and Modern Money
                                  Svetlana Tyukhteneva, Ethnoconsulting Ltd. - Moscow, Russia
2:30pm-3:00pm          break
3:00pm-4:30pm          Session 3: Impact of m-banking and ICTs
                                 chair and discussant: Jan Chipchase, Nokia Design 
                                  The Impact of New Technology on the Use of Money as a Means of
                                  Spending, Saving and Storing by the Poor: A Case Study of Sri Lanka
                                  Sirimevan S. Colombage, The Open University of Sri Lanka - Nawala, Nugegoda
                                  A Study of Money and Financial Services and the Impact of ICTs among
                                  Poor Communities in  Developing Countries: The Case of Botswana
                                  Beatrice Magembe and Alice Shemi, University of Botswana - Gabarone, Botswana
                                  E-money for Enhancing MDGs at Bottom of the Pyramid: A Case Study for
                                  M-Banking in Kenya
                                  Francis Wambalaba, Akosa Wambalaba, Philip Machoka
                                  United States International University - Nairobi, Kenya
4:30pm-5:30pm          reception, light refreshment will be served
Day 2: November 5th
9:00am-10:30am        Session 4: Multiple currencies and local money systems
                                 chair and discussant: Scott Mainwaring, Intel Research
                                 Local Money Systems: Financial Inclusion and Reduction of Poverty
                                 Marco Crocco, Federal University of Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
                                 Making Good Money: Microcredit, Commercial Financing, and Social
                                 Regulation in Paraguay’s Tri-Border Area
                                 Caroline Schuster, University of Chicago - Chicago, IL
                                 Cubanos Convertibles: Meanings of Multiple Currencies in Cuba
                                 Mrinalini Tankha, Brandeis University - Waltham, MA
10:30am-11:00am      break
11:00am-12:30pm      Session 5: Microfinance and technology
                                 chair: Douglas Sabo, Visa Inc.
                                 discussant: Michael Ferguson, Microfinance Opportunities
                                 Tabula Rasa? Conceptions of Microfinance in Juba, Sudan
                                 Crystal Murphy Morgan, University of California, Irvine
                                 ‘Democratizing Capital:’ Digital Lending Networks, Mobile Technologies and
                                  Women’s Solidarity Groups in Chiapas, Mexico
                                 Anke Schwittay and Paul Braund, RiOS Institute - Berkeley, CA
                                           Financial Inclusion via Branchless Banking: What do we know about
                                low-income consumers so far
                                           Mark Pickens, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
12:30pm-1:30pm        break for lunch ; lunch options offered nearby and at the UCI Student Center
1:30pm-3:00pm          Session 6: Alternative methods of managing finance and protection
                                against risk 
                                chair and discussant: Wendy March, Intel Research
                                  Follow the Bean: Navigating Value Exchange and Vulnerability with Farmers
                                  and their stakeholders
                                  Melissa Cliver, Financial Alliance for Sustainable Trade (FAST) - Montreal, Quebec
                                  A Study on M-finance and Consumption Smoothening among the Poor
                                  with Irregular Income Streams
                                  Harsha de Silva, LIRNEasia - Columbo, Sri Lanka
                                 Managing Risks: What Poor Households in Yogyakarta do to smooth
                                 their consumption?
                                 Catur Sugiyanto, Sri Yani Kusumastuti, and Duddy Donna
                                 Universitas Gadja Mada - Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3:00pm-4:00pm          closing remarks, open discussion
4:00pm-4:45pm          closing reception