10 December, 2014 - 11 December, 2014. UC Irvine Student Center - Pacific Ballroom D
Preview IMTFI's awarded research projects 2014-2015
VIDEO OF SESSIONS on YouTube, click on titles below for available presentations.
Day 1: Wednesday, December 10
8:15-8:30am Check-in and Registration
8:45am Welcome and Introductions by Director Bill Maurer
9:00–10:30am Session 1: The Interface between Tradition and Technology
Discussant: Olufunmilayo B. Arewa, UC Irvine School of Law
• “Storing and Transferring Money in a Cash-Strapped Fishing Municipality in the Bicol Region” (Philippines) by Bernadette M. Gavino-Gumba, Ateneo de Naga University
• “When the Dead Decide: An Investigation into the Influence of the Ancestors in the Decision to Use Mobile Technology in a Rural Community in Northern Ghana” (Ghana) by Francis Niagia Santuah, University for Development Studies and Martin Alichimah, Roots and Futures
• “Mobile Money and the Coming of Age in Western Kenya” (Kenya) by Sibel Kusimba, American University
10:30-11:00am Break
11:00am-12:30pm Session 2: Re-Imagining Money and Identity in Rural Contexts
Discussant: Amol Jadhav, GSMA mAgri
• “Pastoral Adaptation to Market Opportunities and Changing Gender Roles Among Afar in Ethiopia: Aspects, Trends, and Prospects” (Ethiopia) by Uthman Hassen, Adama Science and Technology University
• “Reimagining Rurality in Mobile Money Times: Life, Identity, and Community” (Uganda) by Prince Karakire Guma, Center for Basic Research
• “Hand Held Wealth? Mobile Money and Food Production in Rural Potosi” (Bolivia) by Maria Isabel Balderrama , CIDES-UMSA and Oscar Gerdy Rocabado, CIDES-UMSA
12:30-2:00pm Lunch (provided with registration)
2:00-3:30pm Session 3: Gender in MM and Financial Practices
Discussant: Rebecca Mann, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
• “Mobile Money, Social Capital, and Financial Behavior of Women’s Cooperatives in Rural Nigeria” (Nigeria) by Onyima Jude Kenechi, Nnamdi Azikiwe University and Onugu Charles Uchenna, Nnamdi Azikiwe University,
• “Assessing the Impact of Financial Knowledge on Adoption of Mobile Payment Systems among Enterprise Owners in Dharavi, Mumbai” (India) by Mudita Tiwari, IFMR and Deepti KC, IFMR
• “Women, Monetary Practices, and Technological Innovations” (Côte d'Ivoire) by Kone Nara Kanugui Idriss, ENSEA
3:30-4:00pm Break
4:00-5:30pm Session 4: Experimentation and Innovation: Tools and Solutions for Specialized Populations
Discussant: Scott Mainwaring, Social Computing and Digital
Money Researcher
• “Risk Preferences, Time Preferences, and Willingness-to-Pay with Mobile Money versus Cash in Bangladesh” (Bangladesh) by Jonathan Morduch, NYU and Jean Lee, NYU
• “The Formal Disguise: Financial Inclusion Among Flexible Workers and the Self-Employed” (Colombia) by Ana Echeverry, Inspira Lab and Coppelia Herran, Inspira Lab
• “Mobile Money Financial Literacy via Television Comedy” (Cambodia) by Andrew Crawford, Monash University
5:30-7:00pm Wine reception with dinner (provided with registration)
Day 2: Thursday, December 11
8:30am Check-in and Registration
9:00-10:30am Session 5: “G2P or G&P”: Governments, Payments, and Publics
Discussant: Jing Gusto, Mercy Corps
• “The Physical and Electronic Payment Interface and its Influence on Consumer Payment Choices and Informal/Fraudulent Practices: A Case Study of the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) Uganda” (Uganda) by Howard Tugume, Benda Associates Ltd
• “Delivering Conditional Cash Transfers via Savings Accounts: Default and Mental Accounting Mechanisms” (Mexico) by Carlos Chiapa, El Colegio de México and Silva Prina, Case Western Reserve University
• “The New Financial Architecture in Ecuador: Public Regulatory and Sociopolitical Contexts for Payment Systems” by Javier Felix, Renafipse and Monica Pozo, SENPLADES
10:30-11:00am Break
11:00am-12:30pm Session 6: Making Money Mobile: Remittances and Transnational Financial Practices
Discussant: Allison Truitt, Tulane University
• “Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion in Mali: What has been the Impact on Saving Practices?” (Mali) by Mariam Sangare, CESSMA
• “Does Financial Inclusion Spur Overseas Filipinos to Invest? A Remittance Investment Climate (ReIC) Study in a Rural Hometown” (Philippines) by Jeremiah M. Opiniano, IMDI and Alvin P. Ang, Ateneo de Manila University
• “Juggling Currencies in Trans-Border Contexts: Mexico/US” (Mexico/US) by Magdalena Villareal, CIESAS Joshua Greene, CIESAS and Lya Niño, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
12:30-2:00pm Lunch (provided with registration)
2:00-3:30pm Session 7: Research Applications: Putting Knowledge to Work
Discussant: Michael Joyce, TNP2K (Indonesian National Team
for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction)
• “Effectiveness and Challenges of Using Mobile Money Service in the Implementation of the Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment Programme: A Case of Kiboga District in Uganda” (Uganda) by Julius Okello, AISRGD and Dorothy Massa, AISRGD
• “Paying Conditional Cash Transfer Programs in Bank Accounts” (Mexico) by Enrique Seira, ITAM-QFD
• The Use and Impact of M-Shwari as a Financial Banking Product in Urban and Rural Areas of Kenya” (Kenya) by Jane Mutinda, Kenyatta University and Ndunge Kitii, Houghton College
3:30-4:00pm Break
4:00-5:00pm Closing Remarks
Day 3: Friday, December 12
9:00am-12:00pm Methods and Research Design: IMTFI Fellows Workshop (Closed-door; by invitation only)
Lead by Mrinalini Tankha (IMTFI/UC Irvine), Smoki Musaraj (Ohio University), and Ivan Small (Central Connecticut State University)
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