*Click here for
Conference Program and Bios.
Day 1: Wednesday, September 29
8:30am-9:00am Registration
9:00am-9:30am Welcome and introductions by Director Bill Maurer
9:30am-10:30am Session 1: Money and the life-course
Discussant: Scott Mainwaring, Intel Labs
- Money, conflict, and reciprocity in rural families in Zambia: The case of female university students, by Robert Tembo
- Consumption smoothening, financial literacy and old age vulnerability: Experiences of success and failure with a private pension system in Chile, by Aldo Madariaga, Nicolas Perez, and Rodrigo Figueroa
10:30am-11:00am Networking Break
11:00am-12:30pm Session 2: Getting by and making do: techniques for mitigating financial insecurity
Discussant: Mark Pickens, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
- Small ruminants as a source of financial security: A case study of rural women in Southwest Nigeria, by Isaac B. Oluwatayo and Titilayo Busayo Oluwatayo
- Evaluation of money management strategies between the urban and rural ultra poor: A study in Tamil Nadu, India, by Lakshmi Kumar
- Post-redenomination and money managment among Ghana's urban poor, by Edwin Clifford Mensah and Vivian Dzokoto
12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch (provided)
Session 3: The circulation of people and commodities
Discussant: David Pedersen, UC San Diego
- Follow the Bean: Navigating value exchange and vulnerability for cooperative coffee farmers and their stakeholders, by Melissa Cliver, Catherine Howard, and Rudy Yuly
- Mobiles, migrants, and money: A study of mobility at the Haitian-Dominican Republic border, by Heather Horst, Erin Taylor, and Espelencia Baptiste
- Unknown remittances of the migrants who have died abroad: A study on the recovery and dynamics of usage remittances in Bangladesh, by AKM Ahsan Ullah
Networking Break
Poster session with IMTFI 2009 Researchers, see their
completed work
"Regulatory Aspects of Mobile Money in Developing Countries" by Leon Perlman
5:00pm-6:30pm Cocktail reception with dinner (provided)
Day 2: Thursday, September 30
9:00am-10 :30am
Session 4: New technology and new sources of data for the study of mobile money
and branchless banking
Discussant: Jonathan Donner, Microsoft Research
- The impact of new technologies on social payments (case study in Ethiopia), by Woldmariam Mesfin Fikre
- Financial inclusion in Sri Lanka: Constraints and prospects, by Sirimevan S.S. Colombage
- Banking on the phone: Using novel sources of data to understand the impact of mobile banking in Rwanda, by Joshua Blumenstock
10 :30am-11:00am
Networking Break
Session 5: Money and modernity in indigenous and marginalized communities
Discussant: Julia Elyachar, UC Irvine
- Financial inclusion or developmental exclusion? The carbon credit payment to forest inhabitants in Brazilian Amazon, by Shaozeng Zhang
- Gender and money: Case studies from Philippine indigenous communities, by Mary Janet M. Arnado
- Moni, marginality, and modernization in postcolonial Papua New Guinea, by Eric K. Silverman
12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch (provided)
Session 6: The interface of savings and microfinance
Discussant: Olga Morawczynski, Grameen Foundation’s
- Adapting and extending the use of accumulating savings and credit associations through village savings and loans association: The case of Care International in Malawi, by Chinyamata Chipeta
- Banking and Microfinance in Brazil, by Kurt von Mettenheim and Lauro Gonzalez
- ‘Democratizing Capital:’ Digital Lending Networks, Mobile Technologies and Women’s Solidarity Groups in Chiapas, Mexico and Guatemala, by Anke Schwittay and Paul Braund
3:30m-4:00pm Networking Break
4:00pm-4:45pm "The impact of M-PESA: results from a panel survey of Kenyan households"
by Billy Jack
pm-5:30pm Closing remarks and open discussion
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