Day 1: Wednesday, September 29
8:30am-9:00am     Registration
9:00am-9:30am     Welcome and introductions by Director Bill Maurer
9:30am-10:30am   Session 1: Money and the life-course
                                    Discussant: Scott Mainwaring, Intel Labs
10:30am-11:00am     Networking Break
11:00am-12:30pm   Session 2: Getting by and making do: techniques for mitigating financial insecurity
                                      Discussant: Mark Pickens, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
12:30pm-2:00pm    Lunch (provided)
2:00pm-3:30pm     Session 3: The circulation of people and commodities
                                     Discussant: David Pedersen, UC San Diego
3:30pm-4:15pm     Networking Break
                            Poster session with IMTFI 2009 Researchers, see their completed work
4:15pm-5:00pm     "Regulatory Aspects of Mobile Money in Developing Countries" by Leon Perlman
5:00pm-6:30pm       Cocktail reception with dinner (provided)
Day 2: Thursday, September 30
9:00am-10 :30am      Session 4: New technology and new sources of data for the study of mobile money
                                       and branchless banking
                                       Discussant: Jonathan Donner, Microsoft Research India
10 :30am-11:00am  Networking Break
11:00am-12:30pm      Session 5: Money and modernity in indigenous and marginalized communities
                                         Discussant: Julia Elyachar, UC Irvine
12:30pm-2:00pm    Lunch (provided)
2:00pm-3:30pm     Session 6: The interface of savings and microfinance
                                    Discussant: Olga Morawczynski, Grameen Foundation’s AppLab
3:30m-4:00pm     Networking Break

4:00pm-4:45pm     "The impact of M-PESA: results from a panel survey of Kenyan households" 
                             by Billy Jack

4:45 pm-5:30pm     Closing remarks and open discussion