Institute for Money, Technology,
& Financial Inclusion
University of California, Irvine
School of Social Sciences
3151 Social Science Plaza
Irvine, CA 92697-5100
949 824-2284
StaffWelcome to the Spring 2015 newsletter from the Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion! Our sixth annual conference drew over 128 participants, including 31 researchers from 13 countries. Researchers presented work as varied as an inquiry into mobile phones and divination in northern Ghana to the use of comedy TV shows to promote financial literacy in Cambodia. It was an exhilarating and busy three days of sharing, networking, forging new insights and building new collaborations.
Our seventh call for research proposals is in full swing, and we’re looking forward to this next round of projects. Meanwhile, we’ve been synthesizing lessons learned, gathering insights from our researchers on the IMTFI “special sauce” of capacity building, collaborative mentoring and research dissemination, and spreading the word of how in-depth, locally grounded studies of the lives of the poor can meaningfully impact policy and the design of new services and products for financial inclusion.
To that end, I was pleased to present at a recent convening at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation about some of the crucially important but often under-appreciated aspects of money, technology and financial inclusion coming out of our research. For instance, social hierarchies matter—they really, really matter—in determining whether and when people will pick up a new mobile money service, who adopts it, and on what basis trust can be built. From elders and dead ancestors rejecting the use of the phone to discuss a death or to pay homage to an elder, to low-ranking wives in polygynous marriages sending money to high-ranking wives, to church leaders promoting mobile money use, we continually find that the specifics of who is perceived to outrank whom, and why, can put up barriers but also sometimes accelerate mobile and digital financial service adoption. Mobile money also lets people get things done that they would not otherwise have the freedom to do, given its relative “invisibility.” Yet in some circumstances—church donations come up again and again—people want to see and feel the tangibility of paper cash and metal coin.
A recent Guardian forum underscored some of the basic requirements of any digital financial service: you need reliable electricity and network coverage. All it takes is one failed transaction to shake a potential customer’s trust. We’ve been hearing more and more about smartphones, too—yet they are power hogs, requiring daily charging. After our online forum, the Guardian put phone charging at the top of its list of "10 Barriers to Using Mobile Technology to Fight Inequality.”
Read on to learn more about Erin Taylor’s new Consumer Finance Research Toolkit, currently under development, to catch up on the latest IMTFI research, and to see Sibel Kusimba’s fantastic videos of social networks and M-Pesa use in Kenya and webinar with M-Changa. We’ve also made a video of our own! We think it helps highlight how one of IMTFI’s contributions is the networks we form and plug into, as a vital complement to all the good work that is being done in this space. We are empowering, capacity building, and connecting, and providing a place for voices to be heard and developed that would otherwise not make it to the table.
Bill Maurer
At IMTFI’s Sixth Annual Conference for Funded Researchers on December 10th & 11th, 2014 researchers showcased work on a diverse array of topics using innovative methodologies to understand how new money technologies are being integrated into peoples’ lives. Below is a preview of approaches:
To explore the full set of projects and pdf versions of the presentations, click on the specific title to download individual presentations. For a summary of researchers’ presentations, see the series of blog posts by Liz Losh (see them online beginning here or download a pdf here). Find the conference videos at our new YouTube channel.
As IMTFI enters its seventh year, past and present research fellows reflect upon what they have accomplished and where financial inclusion research is headed in the future. In conversations with five IMTFI researchers at the annual conference—Vivian Dzokoto, Anatoly “Jing” Gusto, Erin Taylor, Deepti KC, and Ana Echeverry—IMTFI graduate student researcher Stephen C. Rea identifies several common themes that have emerged with respect to financial inclusion, and the contributions that IMTFI’s research network is making to important discussions in this space. Read his blog post here to learn more.
The Impact of Pure Mobile Micro-financing on the Poor: Kenya’s Musoni Experience by IMTFI researchers Tonny Omwansa and Timothy Waema evaluates the impact and success of Musoni, a relatively new non-deposit taking microfinance institution in Kenya that offers purely mobile-based loan disbursement, repayment and savings services through M-Pesa. Using qualitative data the researchers demonstrate that the bundling of regular M-Pesa services and Musoni products contributes to greater convenience and trust in electronic channels, resulting in increased mobile money adoption. However, they argue that mobile money complements rather than eliminates existing payment systems mainly because of high mobile money fees, especially for smaller amounts, as well as the important socio-cultural value placed on face-to-face cash transactions.
In “My Story Has No Strings Attached”: Credit Cards, Market Devices, and a Stone Guest, IMTFI researcher José Ossandón addresses how low income households in Santiago de Chile use and lend department store credit cards to family and friends, producing networks around collective circuits of debt. The boundaries of these networks are constantly tested and re-established when individuals default because retailers in Chile prioritize consumers’ timely repayment behavior in evaluating extensions on credit limits. Using the metaphor of “strings attached”, he shows the ways that credit cards are not only technical “market devices” but also objects that foster new social bonds and collectives.
Omeje, K. & John Mwangi. “Business Travails in the Diaspora: The Challenges and Resilience of Somali Refugee Business Community in Nairobi, Kenya,” Journal of Third World Studies (JTWS), Spring 2014, vol. 31, Issue 1, pp. 185-217.
Sathye, Milind, Biman Prasad, Dharmendra Sharma, Parmendra Sharma, Suneeta Sathye. “Industry Challenges and Policy Barriers in Adoption of Mobile Value Added Services in Remote Islands: The Case of Fiji,” ACIS (Auckland, New Zealand) December 2014.
Ullah, AKM Ahsan, Mallik Hossain, Kazi Maruful Islam. Migration and Worker Fatalities Abroad. Palgrave Macmillian, April 2015.
In February 2015, noted human geographer and current Vice-Chancellor of The University of Warwick, Professor Nigel Thrift visited UCI at the invitation of IMTFI. Besides delivering a lecture on “Cities in the Anthropocene”, Professor Thrift sat down for an informal discussion with IMTFI’s graduate student researchers about the persistence of calculation errors in monetary systems. Follow this link for a short video on Professor Thrift’s thoughts on the subject.
Following up on the livechat on the Guardian website (see below), the UK daily released a summary piece in which members of the expert panel each gave a “barrier to using mobile technology to fight inequality.” The list included: phone charging, lack of personal ID, literacy and language, lack of partnerships, focus on technology not people, gender inequality, misunderstanding local need, lack of digital skills, complex regulatory frameworks, poorer communities have been ignored.
In a truly interactive webinar with live questions and live polls, the NetHope Payment Innovations team hosted IMTFI Fellow Professor Sibel Kusimba and CEO Kyai Mullei & Rajan Trivedi from the Kenyan startup M-Changa on a panel titled, “Mobile Money, The Social Network Effect, and Philanthropy - Recent Research from Kenya and Product Innovation From M-Changa.” The recording of the webinar has been made available.
IMTFI Director Bill Maurer was interviewed and featured in the US airline Delta’s onboard passenger magazine. In an article on mobile payments spaces, Maurer explained that competition is fierce but that Apple is smart to enter the market with limited expectations with a product that does not offer much beyond security.
IMTFI resident blogger, Liz Losh, was super-busy over the holiday break providing in-depth and fascinating summaries of the findings presented at both days of our annual conference. Her work is reaching a wide audience across the twittersphere under the handle @lizlosh and she has posted about the conference on the Digital Media and Learning Blog.
In a live webinar on the AAA website, IMTFI fellow Sibel Kusimba took an anthropological view of mobile money in Western Kenya. Sibel explained how mobile money is a form of communication, shaped by local cultures of friendship and kinship, and by the direct and often private connections that mobile phones allow. Sibel used social network analysis to examine features such as reciprocity, centrality, and brokerage in the social networks of mobile money.
Americans have been slow to adopt the mobile wallet. Why is that? We have an awful number of choices in payment, and most of the things we use to pay work. They are reliable, they are easy and convenient, and they’re pretty fast. So mobile payment in the States is a solution looking for a problem to solve, and the problem isn’t really there for most people.
IMTFI research fellow Erin Taylor talked on a live Q & A panel on the Guardian website in a fi-nancial inclusion series sponsored by Visa. With experts from UNCDF, Visa Inc., CFI, Giz BmbH, and other organizations, Erin discussed consumer choice and regulation and the problems with financial exploitation.
“No one has hit on the magic combination of features that will make people migrate their payment behavior,” said Bill Maurer, Dean of the University of California, Irvine’s School of Social Sciences and Director of its Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion. “Folks are used to the idea of pulling a card out of their wallet. That’s a behavior established for over 30 to 40 years, and it’s not going away overnight.”
Monday, March 23, 2015
Ndunge Kiiti “IMTFI at UNCTAD’s Expert Meeting on the Impact of Access to Financial Services (Part 2)”
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Ndunge Kiiti “IMTFI at UNCTAD’s Expert Meeting on the Impact of Access to Financial Services (Part 1)”
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Stephen Rea “IMTFI and Financial Inclusion Research: Reflections, Connections, and What’s Next”
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Erin Taylor and Gawain Lynch “Consumer Finance Research: Global Approaches and Methods (Part 2)”
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Sibel Kusimba “Two New Videos about Networks and Mobile Money in Western Kenya”
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Charmaine ‘Ilaiu Talei “Understanding the transformative value of Tongan women’s kau tou lālanga: mobile mats, mobile phones, and money transfer agents”
Thursday, December 4, 2014
By Erin Taylor and Gawain Lynch “CALL TO ACTION: How sharing approaches and methods can improve our research in global finance”
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Erich Hirsch “Making Change in Peru: Big Bills, Financialized Development, and the Potentializ-ing Limits of Fungibility (Part 2)”
Monday, November 24, 2014
Erich Hirsch “Making Change in Peru: Big Bills, Financialized Development, and the Potentiali-zing Limits of Fungibility (Part 1)”
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Ndunge Kiiti, Jane Mutinda, and Charles Nzioka “Lessons from the Field: M-Shwari and the Jua Kali in Kenya”
Monday, November 17, 2014
Tiar Mutiara Shantiuli & Salmah Said “Banking with the Patron: The Case of Patron-Client Relations in Makassar, Indonesia”
Monday, October 20, 2014
Gianluca Iazzolino “Standing on One Leg: Making Decisions in Troubled Times”
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Javier Félix “The Socio-Political Context of the New Financial Architecture and Public Electronic Money System in Ecuador”
Monday, October 6, 2014
Dennis Chirawurah, Deborah Elzie, and Seidu Alhassan “Ghanaian Rural Women Traders’ Cognitive Understanding and Perception of Mobile Phones and Money Systems”
Smoki Musaraj
“A Postcolonial Invention or A Battle for a New Market?: Pushing Mobile Money at the Margins of Europe”
Money Movements: Emergent Forms of Currency, Payment, and Value Circulation at American Ethnological Society in San Diego
Mrinalini Tankha
“Palimpsests of Money and Currency Exchange in Cuba”
Money Movements: Emergent Forms of Currency, Payment, and Value Circulation at American Ethnological Society in San Diego
Ursula Dalinghaus
“When Cash is the Tie That Binds: On the Materiality of Banknotes in the Euro-zone Debt Crisis”
Money Movements: Emergent Forms of Currency, Payment and Value Circulation at American Ethnological Society in San Diego
Ivan Small
“Mobile Monies and Imaginaries: Remittance Histories, Hopes and Hypotheticals in Sai-gon/Ho Chi Minh City”
Money Movements: Emergent Forms of Currency, Payment, and Value Circulation at American Ethnological Society in San Diego
Sibel Kusimba
“Idioms of Practice around Mobile Money in a Coming of Age Ritual in Western Kenya”
Money Movements: Emergent Forms of Currency, Payment, and Value Circulation at American Ethnological Society in San Diego
Bill Maurer
Media of Exchange: A Symposium on Cryptographic Currencies at New York University
Nithya Joseph
“And Our Ears Have Been Empty Since Then: Gold Ownership, Gender, and Work Vulnerability in a South Indian Silk-reeling Hub”
Conference: AJEI 2015 workshop on Gender: Politics, Labour, Law, Development , Associ-ation Jeunes Etudes Indiennes and Benaras Hindu University, Benaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Nithya Joseph
“And Our Ears Have Been Empty Since Then: Gold Ownership, Gender, and Work Vulnerability in a South Indian Silk-reeling Hub”
Women, Labour and Livelihoods Workshop, Tata Institute for Social Sciences, Mumbai, India
Dharmendra Sharma
“Industry Challenges and Policy Barriers in Adoption of Mobile Value Added Services in Remote Islands: The Case of Fiji” – authors Milind Sathye, Biman Prasad, Dharmendra Sharma, Parmendra Sharma and Suneeta Sathye.
Australian Information Systems Conference - ACIS 2014 in New Zealand
Caroline Schuster
“Riding Paraguay’s Credit Bicycle: Financial Movement, Cyclicality, and Pedaling Debt on Metaphors of Economic Life: Fluids, Ghosts, Food and Other Financial Bodies”
American Anthropological Association in Washington D.C. December 2014
Mrinalini Tankha
"La Bolita: Money and Medi(t)ated Speculation in Havana’s Informal Economy"
American Anthropological Association in Washington, D.C.
December 2014
Ndunge Kiiti
“The Use of Mobile Money Services and Platforms among Vulnerable Populations in Kenya”
UNCTAD Single-year Expert Meeting on the Impact of Access to Financial Services, Includ-ing by Highlighting Remittances on Development: Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth Geneva, Switzerland.
Tiar Shantiuli
“Banking with the patron: a case study of patron-client relations in Makassasr, Indonesia”
3rd International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) in Penang, Malaysia